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Welcome back everyone to 2021
Firstly, I would like to begin by thanking all the teachers who have been in school two and three weeks before the official school year started, setting up classrooms and getting things prepared for our students. Secondly, in the same manner, I would like to thank all parents for helping at our working bee on the weekend in preparation for the start of the school year.
Recently I read a wonderful prayer for children that I believe applies to our entire community –
“Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year. Allow me to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before me. Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and courage to accept new opportunities. Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience Your presence in my new friends. Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year!”
Welcome to the beginning of another chapter of your child’s life. Have fun.
Welcome BBQ and School Launch
The 2021 School Launch and social BBQ will be held next week on Friday 12th Feb run by our School Community Council members. Parents and children are invited to join staff in the hall at 6pm for a 5-10 minute talk on our 2021 goals and introduction of new staff.
The free BBQ will commence just at 6:15pm with an opportunity for the children to play on the school equipment afterwards. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Could you please RSVP using the QKR! App that is being sent out to all families tomorrow.
Opening School and Staff Commissioning Mass – All families welcome
Our Opening School and Staff Commissioning Mass is on Sunday 14th February at the SJV church at 9.00 am. It will be a Parish Mass, so both the staff groups from St Jude’s and St John Vianney’s will be there. Father Michael is looking forward to commission both staff groups to prepare them for this year’s mission of educating your child. It would be wonderful to have our families well-represented at this Mass to support the staff from both schools.
Covid 19
In essence, many of the protocols during the school day will remain unchanged. Children will be required to maintain the handwashing regime after play periods and additional cleaning of indoor and outside surfaces will be maintained.
I ask though that all adult visitors maintain social distancing when on the school site.
Like last year, it is mandatory to keep your child home if they are unwell. We can have students and parents visit the school who are immunocompromised and they cannot run the risk of contracting any illness, let alone COVID 19.
Prayers for Ariana Year 1
Last year, one of our wonderful children was diagnosed with a type of bone marrow failure called Aplastic Anaemia. This condition is serious and has progressed to the point where Ariana needs regular blood and platelet transfusions and will undergo a bone marrow transplant. Ariana will require a week of chemotherapy leading into the transplant and will have a long absence from school. This has been explained to her class that Ariana is sick and they have a ‘Monkey in the Chair’ to represent her absence ( I have spoken with the family regarding help from our wonderful community and they are just processing everything before they talk further with me. Please keep Ariana in your prayers.
Welcome New Families and Kinder
I would like to welcome everyone back from the holidays but especially our 17 new families.
Of course, greetings would not be complete with a special welcome to Kinder! I was in the Kinder classroom this week and they seem to have adapted very well to the rigors of bells, uniforms and ‘jobs’ that their teacher asks them to do. It has been wonderful that parents have already organised a time for their child to complete vital assessments during their Wednesday ‘break’.
Tuck-shop – Important Notice
Could parents please log onto Qkr! To change their child’s class for 2021, otherwise, your child who is now in Year 3 will receive their lunch in the Year 2 basket.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open once per week on Wednesday Mornings between 9:05am-9:45am. Jess Dong, one of our Year 1 mums, has kindly volunteered to run the Uniform Shop. The school would appreciate anyone else who has mentioned an interest to put their name forward as an extra support person.
Welcome New Staff
Welcome to Mrs. Joanne Reed (Assistant Principal (acting) and Learning Support, Mrs. Janice Spackman (3/4CA – 1 day per week), Miss Sarah Winnel (Yr. 3/4P - Fulltime), Miss Keeley O’Neil and Mrs. Jenny Isbel (Learning Support) If you see any of these staff members or of course our existing staff members, say hello to make them feel welcome.
Meet and Greets
‘Meet and Greets’ will occur on Monday to Thursday mornings and afternoons next week depending on teacher’s availability. These sessions only go for 10 minutes and are an ideal time for you to touch base with the teachers and raise any concerns and share some goals that you have for your children. Booking information has been sent out via hard copy and email. This information contains everything needed to register your appointment.
Staff Professional Development
Staff returned to work last week to complete three days of professional learning and preparation. Of course, I saw many members of staff working at school throughout the holiday period, ensuring that all was in readiness for the students’ first day on Monday.
The major focus for our Professional Learning this year is the new Catalyst Program that forms the CE’s educational vision for our system. More information regarding this program will follow in the ensuing weeks.
School Drop Off/ Pick up and
A reminder to all families that the students are not to arrive at school before the morning 8:30am (unless waiting with their own parent/carer) duty. Pick-up for students should be between 3:10-3:30pm. If students are dropped off or picked up between these times, they need to come through the front office and be signed in by their parent/carer.
Medical Plans
If your child is on a medical plan, could you please make sure that you have updated their plan and sent it into the front office. You should receive a reminder email regarding this tomorrow.
Contact list
You will receive your contact details generated by our school database. This list needs to be updated and sent back to the school. If you have no amendments to make could you please write on the front sheet ‘No Changes’ as this will make the Front Office administration much smoother. If there are changes could you please write ‘Changes’ and circle what needs to be amended, especially phone numbers and email addresses.
School Counsellor
I would like to welcome our new counselor Mrs. Kate Worthington. Below I have included a letter of introduction from Kate herself.
Dear school community,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Kate Worthington; I am the Student and Family Counsellor.
I have a background in Psychology and Social Work and have been working with children, young people and their parent/carers for over 20 years. I have predominantly worked in the field of child protection, early intervention as well as the homelessness sectors.
I am passionate about working with children and young people and feel privileged to assist them and their family in experiencing positive life outcomes.
Please contact the school if you would like to access the Student and Family Counselling Program. I look forward to working with students, families and staff in 2021.
Working Bee – Thank you
A massive thank you to all the parents and staff who helped at the Working Bee prior to the first day of school. Much was achieved so I have placed some of the highlights below.
- New soccer goals built and installed on the bottom playfield
- All weeds whipper snipped
- Clearing of carpark garden ready for new work this term
- Pruning of all trees of branches in and around the school
- Blowing and removal of all rubbish
- Trimming of hedges in and around school
God bless you and your families
Peter Rodda
Teaching students to be successful readers.
There are many different strategies involved in teaching a student to read. As with most things, a holistic approach (where everyone participates) works best. Research shows that from a very early age (1 or 2 years) a child who is regularly read to (5 times a week) by someone who enjoys the task, is given the best possible start to learning to read. From the very dawn of time, we were storytellers. We told stories to entertain, inform and persuade and in listening to these stories, we were able to interpret, identify and relate to our world. Not surprisingly, these are the three focus areas of the Australian Curriculum, English.
If you have read to your child 5 nights a week since they were very young then you have given them a great start, but your job isn’t finished. If you haven’t then it is never too late. I know of a father who sat at the end of the bed of his teenagers, just before lights out and he read Harry Potter or JRR Tolkien. This is the next step to teaching students how to be successful readers, role model it. If your children don’t see that you think reading is important then they are less likely to believe it.
As a parent, you are the first teacher of your child, however, that does not mean that you have to teach them everything. Just like most professions, there are specific strategies that have been modified and adapted and are best used by experts. I once had someone say to me, I can teach my child that, I went to school. To which I gently responded, I have travelled many times on an airplane but taking on the role of the pilot is a different matter.
Another strategy to support your child is to listen to them read. Be flexible, if they are tired or irritable then you might alternate a page, or they may read silently and then tell you about what they read. Every student’s needs are different. If you are unsure then ask the expert, their teacher. At St John Vianney’s we teach students that letters make sounds and when we combine letters, they make different sounds. The letter A’s in AUSTRALIA both sound differently. Our Soundwaves and Reading programs give students strategies to decode and interpret, helping them to build their knowledge of the English language and how it works.
There are some strategies that we use at school, which can be transferable to home; however, overuse can lead to boredom and ineffective results. In most NAPLAN results for Year 5 student’s over the years, the level of comprehension has been good. There will be times where your child attaches themselves to a particular series and this is great. However, it is just as important for them to read widely. Books, magazines, comics, newspapers, reading material from the internet, and even things from the world around us, such as street signs, timetables, and road maps. Balancing fiction and non-fiction also broadens their understanding and they can make connections and meaning with the world around them. Being a good reader often enables a student to develop fluency when writing and speaking; opportunities keep growing for them.
If your child is struggling with their reading selections at home, please contact your child’s teacher or our experienced Librarian, Ms. Sam Heath. St John Vianney’s library is full of exceptional literature for the students to borrow. Moving forward, we will begin our morning Reading Club and in addition to this Parents and Carers will have the opportunity in the future for family borrowing.
Joanne Reed
Assistant Principal
Welcome back to another year! It is wonderful to be back with all the smiling children, eager to begin a new year.
Watching our Kinder parents over the past few days, sending their little people off to school and ’letting them go do what they needs to do’ reminded me of how Mary must of felt when it was time for Jesus to leave the family home and begin his ministry. She trusted that God would look after him, protect him and give him the strength to face an challenges that came his way. We, as parents, need to do the same thing, and while it is hard sometimes, knowing that God is holding our precious little people in the palm of his hand can help ease the anxiety in our heart.
Below we offer a prayer for all the children heading back to school this week, that God’s love will cover them so they know just how precious they are.
Dear God...
Bless all children this day, O God.
Give them inquiring minds and discerning hearts
Give them courage to persevere in all they undertake
Give them the gift of joy and wonder in all things
Give them love and laughter to share with all
Give them protection and safety as they move out from our embrace
And give them sure and certain knowledge in your unfailing love.
Please find below the dates for the Sacramental program for 2021
Thursday 18th February: 6:00 - 7:00pm
- Information Evening for ALL SACRAMENTS
- Any parent or child who is thinking about receiving a Sacrament in 2021 needs to attend this information evening
Event |
Date and Time |
Who needs to attend |
Venue |
Formation Evenings
11th March 18th March 25th March 6:00 - 7:00pm |
All Reconciliation and Eucharist candidates and parents
SJV Church |
Commitment Masses |
Candidates may choose any Mass on the following weekends to pledge their commitment
13/14 March 20/21March OR 27/28 March
Any child who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Eucharist |
St Jude’s (5pm Saturday and Sunday’s Nights) SJV (9am Sunday morning) |
Eucharist Retreat Day |
Friday 7th May 9am - 11am |
All Year 4 Eucharist Candidates |
St Judes or SJV |
St Jude’s Sacrament of Reconciliation |
Tuesday 18th May 9:30 am |
Children who are to receive the Sacrament |
St Jude’s Church |
SJV Sacrament of Reconciliation |
Wednesday 19th May 10:15am |
Children who are to receive the Sacrament |
SJV Church |
Sacrament of Eucharist |
Candidates may choose any Mass on the following weekends to receive their Sacrament 22/23 May 29/30 May 5/6 June 12/13 June 19/20 June 26/27 June |
Children who are to receive the Sacrament |
St Jude’s (5pm Saturday and Sunday’s Nights) SJV (9am Sunday morning) |
Event |
Date and Time |
Who needs to attend |
Venue |
Formation Evenings 6:00 - 7:00pm |
5 th August 12 th August 19 th August
All children and parents who have committed to the Sacrament of Confirmation |
SJV Church |
Commitment Mass |
Candidates may choose any Mass on the following weekends to pledge their commitment
7/8 August 14/15 August OR 21/22 August |
Any child who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation |
St Jude’s (Saturday and Sunday’s Nights) SJV (Sunday morning) |
Confirmation Retreat Day |
Friday 27th August 9am - 3pm (if Sacrament is held on 4/5 September) OR Friday 3rd September 9am - 3pm (if Sacrament is held on 11/12 September) |
All Confirmation candidates regardless of school |
St Judes or SJV |
Sacrament of Confirmation |
Option 1 Saturday 4th September 5pm OR Sunday 5th September 9am
Option 2 Saturday 11th September 5pm OR Sunday 12th September 9am ** When Archbishop confirms date we will confirm |
Children who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation |
St Judes or SJV |
If you have an questions, please do not hesitate to contact me here at school or via email
Have a great week!
We welcome Mrs. Reed to St. John Vianney's
Fireside Chat
with Mrs. Reed
Today we caught up with Mrs Reed. She is our new Assistant Principal and she has come all the way from Hong Kong to be with us here at SJV while Mrs De Rosa enjoys time with her new baby.
Where did you come from?
Last year I was in Hong Kong and have been for 13 years. Before that Mrs Reed grew up and worked in Canberra, as did her parents, grandparents and Great Grandparents who were from Paddy’s River and Tidbinbilla.
What schools did you go to?
Mrs Reed feels blessed to have gone to St John Vianney’s, Merici College and then onto Australian Catholic University. Her fondest memory of St John Vianney’s was playing on the big oval and her wonderful Teachers.
What is your background?
Mrs Reed grew up in Weston Creek. Her parents and the family home are in Waramanga.
Tell me about your family?
Mrs Reed was married to Cameron in the St John Vianney’s Church nearly 29 years ago. She has 3 adult children who all live and go to University in Brisbane. Hayley (25), Brooke (22) and Patrick (19).
Why did you become a Teacher?
She was inspired by Monsignor John Woods and Ms Maureen Craddock. Monsignor was the Parish Priest at St John Vianney’s, back in the day, and he is still an inspirational leader. Ms Maureen Craddock was her Year 1 Teacher. She was so kind, made learning fun and ensured all student’s in her care flourished.
Favourite foods?
Chinese food and pavlova.
Favourite colours?
Pink and blue
Favourite animal?
Dogs because she loves to walk and cuddle them.
What were your favourite subjects at school?
Visual Arts and English. She still enjoys painting, reading and listening to podcasts.
What was your childhood like?
It was totally fabulous and free. She said there was a creek at the back of Waramanga shops and they used to play in the creek and collect frog eggs and tadpoles and bring them into school and watch them grow. We would play until the streetlights came on, then all the kids would scatter home for dinner.
What is your favourite sport and why?
Mrs Reed loves Netball. She has played, coached and umpired netball. She travelled the world with many Netball teams and enjoy watching and supporting players of all ages reach for the stars. She took 160 Primary and Secondary players from Hong Kong to Beijing on a plane to play in a big carnival. She said that was great fun!
Favourite holiday destination?
Always Batemans Bay. She loves to walk along the beach early in the morning or early evening, buy fish and chips from Batehaven, wander through Moyura Markets to find bargains and go boogie boarding at Surf beach.
Thanks, Mrs. Reed for sharing your story with us today. We know you will love working at our school.
Harrison Taylor and Lara Philip
Year 6 Leaders
School Wide Positive Behaviours
SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
NEXT WEEKS TUCKSHOP ROSTERFriday 5th February Wednesday 10th February
Volunteers Needed Friday 12th February Volunteers Needed |
Please remember to bring your WWVP card with you.
Tuckshop Volunteers Needed
The tuckshop is in desperate need of some volunteers, in particular on Wednesday's for this term.
If you can only spare a couple of hours, that would be fantastic. If you have little ones, they are very welcome to come along.
Please contact the front office or fill in the volunteer tuck shop form to let us know you are able to help and when.
If anyone is interested to play Floorball - take a look at the flyer below
Piano Lessons:
Kerry Ward M: 0497 516 342
Joanne Mitchell E:
M: 0427 942 127
What's coming up and when:
Friday 5th February | Tennis Clinic - Term 1 5/6P; 3/4CA & 3/4P |
Tuesday 9th February | Tennis Clinic - Term 1 KA; Yr 1, Yr 2 & 5/6J |
Monday 8th - Friday 12th February | Parent Teacher Meet and Greet |
Friday 12th February | Welcome BBQ & School Launch from 6:00pm beginning in the hall |
Sunday 14th February | Staff Commissioning Mass at St John Vianney's Church at 9:00am |
Monday 15th - Wednesday 17th February | Yr 5/6 Camp at Kianninny Tathra |