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Dear Parents and Carers
I have listed a few important notes below, but for this week's reflection, I thought I would share with you some kind sentiments sent in by one of our SJV families.
"Dear SJV teachers
A small gift to say a huge thank you for carrying our girls so gently through their primary school years. We hope you find some time to enjoy this gift together.
Our daughters have had beautiful journeys with you at SJV. The friends they have made, the memories they have built and the morals they have learnt will stay with them - and us - forever.
These early formative years are so important, and it has been with the love, dedication, patience, and compassion you have shown over the past 8 years that will carry our girls into the next phase of their young lives. The SJV community is one we have been proud to be a part of and the changes and improvements to the school have been constant and inspiring.
Thank you for all the classes, all the grading, all the lunch duties, all the prayers, all the concerts, all the camps, all the home learning, all the music, all the sport, all the ice packs, all the excursions and most of all...all of your time, talent and love.
We will miss you SJV"
Important 2021 Notes
Calendar - Check the calendar in this week's Newsletter for Important dates for next year.
Kindergarten - Please keep in mind Kindergarten do not attend school every Wednesday for four weeks. This is a rest day for them.
Uniform Shop - Our shop will be open on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th January from 9:30am-2:30pm both days.
Access to school grounds - Access can be gained through the large double gates we have a combination padlock. The combination was sent out to you as an email on Thursday 17th December.
Working Bee - Please follow Facebook to see when we will have a 'Back to School' Working Bee in late January. Your help will be much appreciated.
Tuckshop - We are calling for volunteers for the first week of Term 1 2021 to assist Karen our Tuckshop Coordinator. Also if you would like to put your name down to volunteer throughout the term, please contact Karen so she can sort a roster out. PH: 0409 469 941.
God bless everyone and stay safe
Peter Rodda
Dates for the following weeks
Friday 18th December |
SJV Raffle Drawn 2:00pm |
Thursday 28th January 2021 | Uniform shop open 9:30am -2:30pm. Place orders on QKR prior to 28/01/2021 & 29/01/2021 and your order will be ready for you to collect from the Front Office. |
Saturday 30th or Sunday 31st Jan 9am-12 midday |
School Working Bee - email school subject line: 'JANUARY WORKING BEE'. Watch FB for an update |
Monday 1st February 2021 | First day of Term 1 2021 |
SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
TUCKSHOP ROSTERCanteen will re-open first week of Term 1 - 2021. Volunteers to assist Karen in the canteen for Wednesday and Friday would be very much appreciated. If you are able to assist, please contact Karen Wilder with your availability. Ph: 0409 469 941 Many thanks Kaz |
Please remember to bring your WWVP card with you.
Gabrielle Adams - St Jude's ELC
Phone: 0262875520