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Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers
As we come to the end of a term we often look back at all the hard work completed and the goals achieved. We then look to the next term. This quote reminded me of how we re-focus as teachers and educators to reach out for new goals.
“Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas. Where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. – Sir Francis Drake
Annual Improvement Plan and Strategic Plan
At the beginning of this year, I highlighted the school's Strategic Plan and its three main goals. I wanted to place these in our newsletter again with some of the activities that the school has been doing to move these areas forward. Covid 19 has played a significant part in making us modify some of our goals, but we have pushed very hard to make positive changes at our school.
Improved Student Engagement
Staff to use NCCD platform to implement Personalised Plans – The staff have worked extensively with CE staff, Cameron Hill and Susan Frawley to analyse how teachers cater for the individual needs of some of our students. Further work will be completed in Term 4 based around evidencing the strategies that are being used to enable students to access their learning pathways.
Staff to analyse PAT (Progress Achievement Tests) - Based around student’s year levels, teachers analyse where gaps in learning may be or where students need to be pushed further to encourage growth in their learning.
Develop High Expectations
Advertise and improve the visibility of SJV in the school and wider community – The school has altered the way it presents to parents by utilising a different system of contacting people after an enrolment enquiry. It has developed a strategic method of advertising through Facebook and local advertising.
Review and update school policies – The school in consultation with CE has updated policies relevant to the effective management of the school. These are aimed to be released on the SJV website next term.
Strengthen Well Being
Open communications between staff and parents – Teachers look to expand communication using See-Saw and Class Dojo. Improve the way the newsletter engages the community through interest pieces and student involvement.
Improve the school plant – Modifications to the building, external areas and to improve the user experience for the whole community.
School Plant
The school is currently trying to implement many changes to its infrastructure to give the community the best facilities that it can. Below I have placed down the changes that I anticipate occurring between now and the end of Term 4. I would like to thank CE who have been very supportive, both from a planning and financial perspective.
Boundary Fencing – Currently 2.1 metre security fencing is being placed around the entire school, including a brand new play area behind the Presbytery. This extended place will be a great new place for soccer/football goals. The fencing will make our playground far more safe, secure and fun.
Bathroom Upgrades – The bathrooms are being upgraded with new cabinetry, tapware, cisterns, doors and hand dryers. This should make going to the toilet more of a fresh experience!
Hall Refinishing – Our school hall, steps and stage will be completely re-sanded and re-finished to bring it back to what it looked like when it was first laid.
Garden Upgrades – Pruning and ripping out of old overgrowth in our front garden beds and replanting of some areas to bring a greater appeal to the front of our school.
Book Week –21stOctober Wednesday Wk 2
Book Week is still planned for the children in Term 4. As of today, the format will be based on our current Covid guidelines. This means not assembling in a large group, but still celebrating the week by dressing up as their favourite character from a book. I hope that Term 4 will see a change to Covid rules and we can reassess our plans at the beginning of Term 4.
LED Sign
Currently the school is giving a new look to the content we are placing on our sign. The idea is to make the images and text far bigger and brighter so that our community, as well as the wider-community, easily understands the message conveyed. A new aspect to this messaging will be three slides that are pushed out every week under the school’s strategic goals – Student Engagement, High Expectations and Well-Being. This is to keep the community informed about what we do here and how these activities are helping us achieve our goals.
Next Wednesday the children will venture out on our annual Walkathon. This week is the children’s last opportunity for fundraising. From Friday afternoon of next week the children will be able to start selecting their prizes which is always a great way to end a wonderful event.
Just a reminder that you can still place an order for the Carnevale lunch until tomorrow.
Viva Italia!!
Stay safe and God bless.
Peter Rodda
With Sharee Thomas
The parable reminds us that although God owes us nothing, he offers abundantly and equally. We are occasionally tempted to think that our own actions deserve more reward, more of God's abundant mercy, than the actions of others. But God's generosity cannot be quantified or partitioned into different amounts for different people.
When reflecting on the weekends Gospel, it struck me that the workers in this parable sound very much like me sometimes, squabbling children, comparing what they have each been given and making complaints about it being unfair. Sometimes with our children there is a tendency to equate love with gifts and material things. This tendency can devolve into a spirit of entitlement, which runs counter to the spirit of gratitude. Any effort we make to overcome this tendency, to keep love from being entwined with gifts and possessions, will enable our children to accept completely the love that God gives freely and generously.
This week as a family take notice of these complaints and have a conversation about whether or not they are helpful. Remind your children that love cannot and ought not to be measured, but felt.
Have a great week!
Please note - Merit Awards will be handed out at NEXT Friday's morning assembly.
KA |
Fergus Daly |
1 B |
Vritee Patel |
2 J |
Kate Battaglini |
3/4 CA |
Estelle Walsh |
3/4 P |
Kira Lopez |
5/6 J |
Xanthe Smith |
5/6 P |
Reyna Clarke |
The Arts |
Hu Jenkins |
School Wide Positive Behaviours
With the life giving rain that we enjoyed at the beginning of the term, the ground was perfect for weeding and many of the ELC children helped to weed the front garden. With the cancelled working bee, the children also helped move the tanbark into the ELC garden. These activities sparked an interest in gardening. Over the past week, many of the after Preschool Program, Seahorses, have been weeding our outdoor area. They plan to grown corn along the edge of the ELC fence.
We are looking forward to seeing our Year 5 - St John Vianney's buddies on Monday!
ELC Holiday Program
Gabrielle Adams - St Jude's ELC
Phone: 0262875520
SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
NEXT WEEKS TUCKSHOP ROSTERFriday 18th SeptKarli World (9:00-10:00) Volunteers needed Wednesday 23rd Sept Sonia Taflaga |
Please remember to bring your WWVP card with you.
Tuckshop Volunteers Needed
The tuckshop is in desperate need of some volunteers.
If you can only spare a couple of hours, that would be fantastic. If you have little ones, they are very welcome to come along.
Please contact the front office or fill in the tuckshop volunteer form to let us know you are able to help and when.
Carnevale Celebration
$6 Meal deal
Tuesday 22/09
The Tuckshop will be serving an Italian lunch
- Place your orders online with QKR by tomorrow.
- CUT OFF for Orders Monday 21 September don't miss out.
What's coming up and when:
Friday 18th September Gymnastics |
Monday 21st September Science Morning Kinder spending time with their Yr 6 Buddies |
Tuesday 22nd September Gymnastics Carnevale |
Wednesday 23rd September Walkathon |
Friday 25th September Gymnastics Last day of Term 3 |