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- Principal's Message
- A message from the Assistant Principal and Mrs D's "Thought of the Week"
- RE News with Laura Matchett
- Merit Awards
- School Wide Positive Behaviours
- For the Calendar
- Disco
- Sport News
- Community Corner - Colour Run Walkathon -
- Community Corner
- Notes to Parents
- Tuckshop
- Photo Gallery
Dear SJV Families
A Lent prayer below speaks about the promise of the risen Lord.
May the glory
and the promise
of this joyous time of year
bring peace
and happiness to you
and those you hold most dear.
And may Christ,
Our Risen Saviour,
always be there by your side
to bless you
most abundantly
and be your loving guide
Enrolment Period - Flyer Drop (Volunteers Needed)
As part of our enrolment push for our wonderful school we have organised flyers for our local area. These will contain our name, the day and time of our Open Day and a QR code for parents to scan which sends people to our website and Facebook page. A compass note will go out next week asking for your help. This means dropping off some flyers in your street and a couple of adjacent streets. A Compass Invitation will go out next week for helpers.
Sports Awards
Congratulations to Estelle Walsh and Armahli Rameka who were at the ACT School Sports Awards yesterday afternoon. Both girls were nominated and were picked as the final 4 candidates. Just being nominated is a great honour and the girls were thrilled to be there.
Armahli and Estelle are wonderful examples of what it means to be a leader at SJV, not just in sport but in their whole school life.
Principal's Retreat
Last week I was in Bowral at our Annual Principal's Retreat and System Day. CECG rolled out a draft for their Vision and Mission which has witnessing our faith at its core, whilst developing the god-given potential of each student.
For our Retreat component we looked at the image of God and how this is portrayed through scripture, images and quotes. A Richard Rohr quote resonated with me - God is the great I AM in which everything - including me - has its being. My I am is a sharing in the one great I AM. To sin is simply to live out of any I am not.
Council of Catholic Schools Parents
The Council of Catholic School Parents (CCSP) invites parents, carers and staff in NSW/ACT Catholic schools to attend a FREE webinar being presented by Justin Coulson on Anxiety and Resilience on 29March 2023. I have attached a link to a flyer for your information regarding this event. CCSP Justin Coulson March23
School Disco - 24th March
A big thank you to the Year 3/4 team for doing an amazing job organising the Disco. The disco is coming around quickly our first event for the year. Purchase your tickets via QKR so your children don't miss out.
Working Bee - Sunday 2nd April 10am-1pm
Please claim this date for our school and come along for all the Easter fun. A flyer has been attached to this newsletter that provides all the details.
This is an opportunity for all those parents who cannot always help because of work commitments, but may be able to give 3hrs on a Sunday. There will be fun activities for the kids and food for all our families.
Swimming Carnival
Please ensure that you have completed the online Compass form to state what your child will be participating in. Some paper notes have gone home to a small number of families and these should have already been returned.
If you are coming to cheer and want to help on the day I am sure our coordinators will find you something to do.
A big thank you goes to our coordinators, Anna Kain, Ruth Blackwell and Liz Diskin for coordinating this event, all our parent helpers and our student helpers from St Mary MacKillop College.
Children should wear their full sport uniform tomorrow or dress up in their house colour.
Swimming Program Term 4 2023
Still on swimming - a survey went home at the beginning of the month asking the question
Survey results showed an overwhelming number of parents 91 1/2% said they would like for the school to continue a Term 4 Swimming Program for K - 6. We will be moving forward with this. More details later in the year to follow.
Long Service Leave - Mrs Monagle Wks 9-10 Term 1 and Wks 1-2 Term 2
We wish Kathy all the best for her 4 weeks of LSL that she will be using to enjoy some wonderful travel. The wonderful Mrs Howard will be taking over Kathy's Italian and Year 1 duties
God Bless
Peter Rodda
A message from the Assistant Principal and Mrs D's "Thought of the Week"
Rights and Responsibilities.
All students have certain rights. At St John Vianney’s Primary School, we have our corner stone rules. The children will know them as the the yellow, pink and green rule. The rules form the basis of our School Behaviour Management Policy.
· We all have the right to feel safe
Students cannot learn well or socialise effectively if they feel unsafe in the classroom or playground. Safety at school includes psychological and emotional safety, the right to privacy and personal space as well as a safe and clean physical environment.
· We all have the right to learn
Students need to have their efforts recognised, to feel supported when they make mistakes and to receive assistance and encouragement. The teacher needs to be able to focus time and energy into supporting learning. Class developed rules can support a learning culture and environment.
· We all have the right to respect and fair treatment
Students should be able to express their thoughts, beliefs and feelings without fear of racism, ridicule or bias. All students should feel included and be treated with dignity and respect, even when being disciplined. Such rights can only be enjoyed when people are acting responsibly.
All children need to feel that school is a safe place where people will care about them, where their needs for support, respect and friendship will be met, and where they will be able to get help to work out problems. When these needs are met children develop a sense of belonging at school. Belonging is very important for children’s mental health and well being. Children who feel that they belong at school are happier; more relaxed and have fewer behavioural problems than other students. They are also more motivated to learn and be more successful with their school work.
More information about Belonging and student well-being can be found:
SJV Celebrates Harmony Week next Tuesday: Families are encouraged to wear traditional dress, cultural colours or orange!
Mrs D’s ‘Thought of the Week….’
Nina De Rosa
Assistant Principal
RE News with Laura Matchett
Gospel Reflection: John 9:1-41
‘The man said, ‘Lord, I believe’, and worshipped him.’
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus heals a man who was born blind and gives him the gift of sight. This story invites us to consider the importance of our sight - both physical and spiritual. The man in the story is given the gift of physical sight, but the much greater gift was Jesus revealing Himself as the son of God. In this week’s Gospel, and last week’s about Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well, there are many symbols of Baptism. Through water and each person’s encounter with Jesus, they become disciples, and come to a greater understanding of who Jesus is, while the Pharisees continue to be spiritually blinded, as they refuse to believe what they have seen and have been told. Through Baptism, our discipleship begins, and from that moment, we are invited to mature in our faith as our relationship with and knowledge about Jesus grows, just like the blind man and the woman at the well.
Reconciliation 2023
Congratulations to our students who made their first Reconciliation last week. Thank you to Father Michael and the Parish team for their work in organising the Sacrament for our Parish. Please continue to pray for our candidates and their families as they continue on their faith journey.
Project Compassion
Thank you to families who have been donating to our Project Compassion fund-raising campaign. Our students have been learning about where their money goes, and even small amounts of money (even 5 cents a week for each week of Lent) can help people and communities in need. Project Compassion will run until Easter, and we ask that you give what you can. Our Mission and Ministry team are organising a fund-raising activity to end our term. More details will be announced shortly.
School Masses Term 1 2023
As a school, we regularly attend the Wednesday morning 9:30 am Mass at St John Vianney’s Church. The choir sings at this Mass and sometimes our students have a role in other parts of the celebration. Parents and friends of our school are welcome to join us alongside parishioners at this Mass.
The remaining dates the school will be attending these Masses for Term 1 are:
Week 8: Wednesday 22nd March
Week 8: Friday 24th March, 10:30am (Feast Day of Our Lady of the Annunciation, with the staff and students from St Jude’s Primary School, Holder).
Sacraments 2023
Key dates for the Sacraments this year are listed below. Please note, the information evening for First Eucharist will be held on Tuesday 2nd May at 6pm (Term 2, Week 2). All enquiries about Sacraments are best directed to the Parish via email:
First Eucharist |
Confirmation |
Open to any child in Year 4 and above who has made their first Reconciliation. Information Night 2 May 2023, 6pm SJV Church Commitment Mass Weekend of 10-11 June 2023 Reflection session 13 June 2023, 6pm SJV Church Sacrament of First Eucharist (choice of) 17 June 2023, 5pm SJH 18 June 2023, 9am SJV |
Open to any child in Year 6 and above who has received their first Eucharist. Information Night 25 July 2023, 6pm SJV Church Commitment Mass Weekend of 19-20 August 2023 Reflection session 22 August 2023, 6pm SJV Church Sacrament of Confirmation 23 August 2023, 6pm |
Please note - Merit Awards will be handed out at NEXT Friday's morning assembly.
KA |
Christabel Arinze |
1 B |
Jacob Bourke |
2 J |
Hannah Lewis |
3/4 CA |
Farrah VanDuren |
3/4 P |
Anna Malpas |
5/6 J |
Kate Battaglini |
5/6 P |
Ashley Young |
The Arts |
Timothy Flanagan |
Library |
Anna Malpas |
Italian |
Tasman Turner |
School Wide Positive Behaviours
What's coming up and when:
Every Monday | Sports Day |
Every Friday | Sports Day |
Monday 6th March | Year 5/6 Journeying with Jesus Retreat |
Friday 17th March |
Swimming Carnival - Stromlo Leisure Centre |
Monday 20th - Friday 24th March Tuesday 21st March |
Harmony Week |
Wednesday 22nd March |
School Mass 9:30am - 10:30am |
Friday 24th March |
Annunciation Feast Day Celebrations - St Jude's and SJV combined Mass @10.30am at St John Vianney's Church - Followed by shared activities School Disco 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Friday 31st March |
Incursion: Questacon Science Circus whole school 2:15pm - 3:10pm Palm Sunday Prayer Celebration - SJV Hall. Families welcome to attend. |
Reconciliation |
First Eucharist |
Confirmation |
Open to any child in Year 3 and above who has been baptised. Information Night 7 Feb 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Commitment Mass Weekend of 4-5 March 2023 Reflection session 7 March 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Sacrament of Reconciliation (choice of) 8 March 2023, 6pm @SJH 9 March 2023, 6pm @SJV 11 March 2023, 9am @SJH |
Open to any child in Year 4 and above who has made their first Reconciliation. Information Night 2 May 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Commitment Mass Weekend of 10-11 June 2023 Reflection session 13 June 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Sacrament of First Eucharist (choice of) 17 June 2023, 5pm @SJH 18 June 2023, 9am @SJV |
Open to any child in Year 6 and above who has received their first Eucharist. Information Night 25 July 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Commitment Mass Weekend of 19-20 August 2023 Reflection session 22 August 2023, 6pm @SJV Church Sacrament of Confirmation (TBA) |
Choose from a Cheese pizza or Vegetarian pizza included in the price is a drink, and a packet of chips.
Qkr will give you an option from tomorrow to choose what pizza you would like.
For those families that have already ordered on QKR, please contact Jet in the Front Office with your choice of filling for your pizza.
Thank you
From the Disco Organising Committee.
Swimming Carnival
This year’s swimming carnival will take place on Friday 17th March at the Stromlo Leisure Centre.
School House Colours
Garid - Blue - Rain
Gambi - Red - Fire
Gabadang - White - Moon
Wiinyu - Yellow - Sun
Thank you
Swimming Carnival Coordinators
WMFC 2023 Miniroos, Girls and Open U10 - U18 Registrations are now Open.
Community Corner - Colour Run Walkathon -
SAVE THE DATE: 28th April 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to YEAR 2 for creating the most profiles.
They recieved their icy poles today.
SJV's goal is to raise $8000 to upgrde the sandpit to include a cubby house and improve the sensory spaces.
Our first school milestone is $1000 - The whole school will go into a draw for one of 5 canteen vouchers. How much have you raised? Can you help us reach our first milstone?
With just $10 raised you can select a prize.
St Clare’s College
Try a Day: Wednesday 3 May, 9.00am to 3.00pm
We invite prospective Year 7, 2024 students (current Year 6 students) to join us for the day to experience the exciting and enriching opportunities that our College has to offer.
Open Evening: Thursday 4 May, 4.30pm to 7.30pm
Open Evening is an opportunity for families to look through our facilities and talk to staff and students.
Register today!
Please visit for all dates and information for our Open Day, Be a Merici Girl Days and Talk and Tours. Register online now!
Open Day, Principal’s Address and Year 7 2024 Information Night: Wednesday 3 May
Be a Merici Girl Days: 28 April, 1 and 8 May
Talk and Tours: 4 March, 6 May, 19 August, 21 October
We are enrolling now for 2024 and beyond!
Happy Birthday to Hugo G and Lyla G
The Stingray and Turtle classes had a special Mystery Reader this week, Mr Rodda. He read to the children - ‘Do NOT read this book AGAIN’ by Andy Lee.
The ELC has had several reported cases of vomiting/diarrhoea last week. We are still considered to be in an ‘outbreak’ and I will notify all families when the outbreak is declared over by ACT Health. Please be assured we have stringent cleaning protocols in place. Please advise the ELC office if your child has any symptoms. A reminder that the exclusion period during this time is 48hrs.
Feast Day Excursion to SJV
St Jude’s and St John Vianney’s schools will join together on Friday 24 March to celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation. We will take a bus to SJV to celebrate our parish feast day with a picnic lunch and buddy activities. Please return your permission note to the ELC as soon as possible.
St Jude’s Fete
The St Jude’s Fete it this Saturday 18th March! This is a great fun day and we'd love to see you all there.
Karen Leighton - St Jude's ELC
Phone: 6287 5520
Term 1
Week 1 Notes
Welcome to Book Club Parents & Kids Order Now
Week 2 Notes
Week 3 Notes
Week 4 Notes
Week 6 Notes
Book Club Edition 2 see Library page for online version
Week 7 Notes
March Working Bee 2023SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
Friday 17th March
Deb and Emma
Wednesday 22nd March
Friday 24th March
Deb and Jen
Limited menu due to earlier Lunch
Term_1_Canteen_volunteer_roster_2023_003_March.pdf Please remember to bring your WWVP- (Working with Vulnerable People) card with you.
You can apply for the card via Access Canberra:
A new WINTER Canteen Menu is available here and on our website. Term 2 & 3 2022 Winter Tuckshop Menu
Term 1 & 4 The Summer Tuckshop Menu kicks in.
Please contact the Front Office or Mel or simply fill in the Canteen Volunteer Note to let us know you are able to help and when.
Mel Harding
Canteen Manager