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Welcome to the end of Wk 5
It is wonderful to have all the children back and as such I am very hopeful that as a community we can return to a new normal where we continue to move forward together.
Prayer for Hope in Our Community
Lord, our Protector and Shield, defend us from anything that would reduce hope in our community. May confident expectation that good things are on the horizon rise up in our hearts. May we, individually and collectively, look to You as our ultimate hope and our champion. Give us faith in place of despair, and resilience in place of resignation. Turn our anguish and desperation into elation and assurance. Amen
Covid Protocols
I hope your children have transitioned back to school well. I have spoken to most students since they have returned and whilst it seems that many children were very happy to return to school, some have found the transition challenging. Thank you for your efforts to overcome these anxieties. I think you will agree that encouraging students’ return to face-to-face learning is very important in order to maintain their well-being and education along with their social networks.
Please rest assured that in all matters related to the management of COVID-19 in our school communities, Catholic Education and St John Vianney's take advice from ACT Health. The health and well-being of students, staff and our wider school community is given the highest priority and we continue each day to take measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19.
We are currently running the Canteen on a skeleton staff. This may mean, with little notice, that we will need to close the canteen on particular days if we do not have enough volunteers. If this is the case, a general email with a accompanying Szapp alert will be sent out by 5pm Tuesday or Thursday before any closure.
Uniform Shop
A huge thank-you to Jess Dong who has been the mainstay of our Uniform Shop, managing to outfit all our students for this year with some very able helpers. Jess now needs to step down from the role and Mrs Simpson will complete orders for the remainder of the year.
School Fees
An email will be sent out tomorrow in regard to the new 2022 school fees. If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me via email.
God bless you and your families
Peter Rodda
A message from the Assistant Principal and Mrs D's "Thought of the Week"
with Nina De Rosa
International Stress Awareness Week
Since 1998, International Stress Awareness Week has been commemorated as a reminder towards the importance of mental health and emotional management. This year, the (almost) week-long commemoration runs from 1st to 5th November 2021. One of the topics highlighted this year is the importance of investment in mental health services which has become more apparent throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have witnessed many people experiencing loss during this pandemic. Not just the loss of lives, but loss of income, friendship, companionship and general freedoms. The world, suddenly, changed drastically to the point that it is no longer the place that we have once ever known. For many, this shift might be too shocking and the true affects on our mental health will be felt and impacted for many years to come.
Stress Awareness Week becomes a very pivotal period for everyone to reflect and “take a break”. It is the time for every student and worker to recognise the stress they are involved with at school and their workplace.
This week we welcomed all our students and staff back on site and although school life is not quite the same, having the small community feeling back within our walls has been warming. Return to school may have caused stress for our families and I know that staff are still finding it difficult to 'teach' behind a mask. I encourage everyone to literally go outside and breathe in the fresh air, mask free. This could be the first step in releasing some stress.
We could each start by discovering our personal limits, creating boundaries in the workplace and among peers, leaving toxic relationships, as well as getting involved in physical activities. The purpose is to highlight the physical and mental impact of stress, as well as what we must all do to safeguard our well-being.
So, have you taken a break today? Chill out a little, and remember! Your mental health is as equally important as your physical health.
Happy International Stress Awareness Week!
Mrs D’s ‘Thought of the week’
“S.T.R.E.S.S. =
Someone Tyring to Repair Every Situation Solo" - Unknown
Gospel Reflection - Mark 12:38-44
This week’s Gospel is about the story of the poor widow who gives two coins. The amount of money she gives is mocked and overlooked by some, but Jesus calls attention to her act as being a truly generous one, as the two coins she gave are all she has, while others who gave more money, still kept plenty for themselves.
The theme of today’s Gospel is about more than just being generous with money. It is about being generous with ourselves. In Heart Space this week, our Year 5 leaders have asked the students to consider which is more generous; giving away an old toy or a new toy? Generosity is more than the act itself, it is about the spirit in which the act is performed and the gift - whether it be money, time or a possession, is given. In being generous, we strive to bring Jesus into the lives of others, and acknowledge His own extraordinary act of generosity for us, when He gave His life for us. Being generous by giving all we have, however we choose to give, is how we honour that great sacrifice.
Confirmation 2021
Parents and carers of our Confirmation - candidates will be receiving an email with updated information about this year’s celebration. Confirmation will be celebrated at St John Vianney’s Church on the evening of Tuesday, November 30. Due to COVID restrictions, at this time, the celebration is only open to candidates, their sponsor and four other family members. If your child is being confirmed this year, please email the names of the guests who will be attending the Mass to support your child to as soon as possible.
Laura Matchett
Please note - Merit Awards will be handed out at NEXT Friday's morning assembly.
KA |
Xavier Ferrara |
1 B |
Amelia Huszar |
2 J |
Joseph Walshe |
3/4 CA |
Mason Jamieson |
3/4 P |
Andrew Doszpot |
5/6 J |
Zoe Dutkiewicz |
5/6 P |
Ella Kim Torres |
The Arts |
Awa Rameka |
Library |
Farrah Van Duren |
Italian |
Fergus Daly |
Dates for the following weeks
Wednesday 10th November |
School Photo Day. |
Friday 12th November |
Kinder Health Check |
Wednesday 17th November |
2022 Kinder Orientation 9:30am - 11:30am |
Friday 19th November |
Side Show Alley |
Tuesday 30th November |
confirmation - St John Vianney's Church for Candidates, Sponsors and 4 other family members. |
SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
NEXT WEEKS TUCKSHOP ROSTERFriday 5th November Helen Daly (10:45am)
Wednesday 10th November Sonia Taflaga
Friday 19th November Volunteers needed. |
Please remember to bring your WWVP card with you.
Tuckshop Volunteers Needed
If you can only spare a couple of hours, that would be fantastic. If you have little ones, they are very welcome to come along.
Please contact the front office or fill in the tuckshop volunteer form to let us know you are able to help and when.
Canberra & Goulburn Youth Ministry - Elena Catanzariti
Youth Ministry Update
Sunday Resource
For this week’s Sunday resource, please access this our parish bulletin available at our link under the children’s section - Praying With Children: This worksheet reflects upon this Sunday’s Gospel reading (Mark 17: 10-16) where we hear about the poor widow who gives all she has. As St Ambrose notes - “God does not consider what one gives, but what one keeps” we are prompted to reflect upon what we are holding back from God.
Parish News
As of the further eased restrictions made available, our churches are open to a higher number of parishioners. Due to this, online booking is no longer a necessity if you would like to attend Holy Mass. Please feel encouraged in returning to the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith.
The parish will also be continuing to stream Sunday morning masses on YouTube at 9am as per usual. To access the mass for the Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary time (Year B) online, please access this link: .
Youth Group
Our year 5-8 Youth group is on this Sunday at 4pm in person at St Judes Church in Holder. This week we will be looking into the way we can use the beauty of art in our prayer lives to bring us closer to Christ. If you are interested in your child attending youth group or have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email.
Yours in Christ,
Elena Catanzariti ( )
St John Vianneys Youth Minister
St John Vianney's Youth Minister
Kinder 2022 Orientation
St Jude’s and St John Vianney’s Kindergarten 2022 orientation has been set for Wednesday 17 November. You will receive correspondence from each school with more information.
Preschool 2022 Orientation
Unfortunately, this year due to COVID restrictions, we are unable to have an orientation session for preschool children attending in 2022. We will be sending out an information pack of our Early Learning Centre.
Christmas Photography Fundraiser
Fifth Lane Photography are offering Christmas portrait sessions. Shopping centre Santa photos won’t quite be the same this year so this is a wonderful alternative. The ELC will receive $20 for each session booked.
Karen Leighton - St Jude's Early Learning Centre
Phone: 0262875520